Time for a Potty Break!
Dea dreamer,
How have the figures from your dreams been evolving and guiding you through life lately? Do you have figures who you connect with regularly? If you need some guidance on activating dream figures to support your daily life, let me start with an example.
Lately I’ve been really focused on cultivating a lifestyle and daily routine that can support and nourish my creativity. I’ve been thinking about what I want my work environment to feel like, and what kind of culture I want to establish for myself around my own creative work.
To get more opinions on this, I turned to the figures I have met through dreams. I put out the invitation: Who would like to show up in support of my work?
I found that two dream figures in particular were interested in companioning me for my daily work sessions: Bruiser the reliable dog, and Sparkly Self, a vibrant and laughing version of me.
I imagined consulting with Bruiser and Sparkly Self, asking how they felt about our work, what conditions they wanted to be working in, and what kind of energy they wanted to feel while we work.
These photos are some notes I took on their answers.
First of all, these standards they’ve come up with feel CLEAR. They’re a balance of keeping me grounded in taking care of my body and nourishing myself in order for work to happen, while also pushing me to share what I create with less hesitation and greater joy. I suspect these standards are very different than what I might have come up with from my own perspective alone!
And I feel accountable to these imaginal co-workers. Perhaps more than I would for myself alone, I feel committed to giving them what they need and desire for us to create together.
I try my best to invite Bruiser and Sparkly Self as I begin my work each day, and I’ve found that their presence reminds me to take a snack break, turn on some music, tackle the projects that feel the most fun. Bruiser reminds me that my offerings in the world are not just for me–I also offer my work because I want to build a better life for my family. This remembrance is motivating.
And today, Bruiser told me “We can do this!” Sparkly Self added, “Let’s share this out!”
If I imagine trying to cheer myself on with these quotes, it might be effective. But when I sit with the presence of Bruiser’s wagging tail, panting tongue, and excited eyes ready to run, I believe so much more that we CAN do this. The vibrance of Sparkly Self’s encouraging energy really DOES cheer me on.
So, I wrote you this email, and am now working on more content I’d like to share out soon. I didn’t need to pay a coach thousands of dollars to remind me of my “why” (because Bruiser did that) or to bring me the energy I needed to act (because Sparkly Self brought that).
And if you need, feel free to borrow some motivation and inspiration from however you imagine Bruiser’s smiling doggy face. Or better yet, put out your own call to dream figures and imaginal guides, and see who would like to show up to support you today.
If you want help meeting dream figures and establishing a connected relationship, I would love to get this process started for you in a dream session or dream correspondence, so you can develop your own path of accessing power from your dreams.
This post was originally written for my email list. Join the party to receive my writings hot off the presses!