It's Not About You

Dear dreamer,

What is the biggest benefit of tending to a dream?

That the dream itself feels acknowledged, heard, and honored.

Yes, you will also glean wisdom and find resource to apply to your waking life, perhaps experience psychological or physiological healing medicine, and definitely increase your capacity for imagination, curiosity, creativity.

All of that is available through dream and wonderful to receive, but the main reason why I choose to engage with dreams and dream figures is to be in service to the dream and its desires.

When we decenter ourselves/the individual/the human, tending to our dreams connects us to something bigger and beyond the self/human.

I had a juicy conversation with my friend Tracy recently, who shared this epic podcast with Bayo Akomolafe. And mixing his ideas into the stew, Iā€™m thinking:

Your imagination is not yours, your dreams are not yours, your intelligence is not yours, your emotions are not yours. These are all beings of their own who visit you.

What if each of our life paths have carved us into unique channels to be receptors for the imagination, intelligence, dreams, and emotions that want to speak to us and are attracted to the unique channels we each have capacity to open?

Engaging with dreams is a practice of increasing our capacity to access the field of imaginal intelligence that belongs not to us alone, but to the all.

This post was originally written for my email list. Join the party to receive my writings hot off the presses!

Chloe Amos